Our leadership team

We are headquartered in Houston, Texas and work from around the world to serve our 25,000+ customers.

Zach Calhoon
Leader of Sales and Marketing at CloudPano
Clayton Rothschild
Leader of Product and Teams at CloudPano
Jade Fatima
Customer Success Manager
Dedicated to Exceptional Client Experiences
C.W. Elliott
Sales Director
Driving Sales Excellence and Market Expansion
William Bremer
Marketing Specialist
Crafting Creative Marketing Solutions
Braden Hirschi
Software Developer
Engineering Cutting-Edge Software Solutions
Ali Nawaz
Outbound Sales
Expert in Lead Generation and Customer Acquisition
Fawad Butt
Outbound Sales
Strategic Sales Initiatives and Customer Relations
Anton Kruglyak
Project Manager
Orchestrating Project Excellence
Farik Mora
Technical Support Specialist
Ensuring Seamless User Support
Maisy Bright
Chief Operating Officer
Remi Aguirre
Chief Executive Officer
Zoey Horton
Chief Product Officer
Osman Jenkins
Head of Technology
Elias Pitts
Head of People
Sabina Orozco
Head of Strategy
Brody Krause
Head of Customer Support
Erica Blackburn
Design Area Lead
Jaxon Montes
QA Area Lead
Barbara Hamer
HR Area Lead
Finn Schwartz
Customer Support Area Lead
Nathaniel Hodson
Engineering Area Lead
Maisy Bright
Chief Operating Officer
Remi Aguirre
Chief Executive Officer

Our Team

We are headquartered in Houston, Texas and work from around the world to serve our 25,000+ customers.


Zach Calhoon


Leader of sales and marketing for CloudPano


Clayton Rothschild


Leader of product and teams for CloudPano


Sevka Podlipentsev

Product Manager

Development team lead and manager


Michael Klopot

Senior Developer

CloudPano Live Lead Developer


Eugene Sklyarov

Senior Developer

CloudPano Teams and Enterprise Developer


Anna Neverova

Senior Developer

Google Street View Integrations Developer


Michael Konyukohv

QA Engineer

Integration and User Testing


John Onia

Customer Success Lead

Customer support leader and front-office


Jade Caymo

Customer Success

Customer support and vendor relationships


Robert Gear

Inbound Sales

North America inbound sales


Ali Nawaz

Outbound Sales

Business Development Team


Fawad Butt

Outbound Sales

Business Development Team

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